NHSSV is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation that assists low- and moderate-income first-time homebuyer to purchase a home with safe and appropriate mortgage products.
The organization is the only community-based, non-profit, corporation in California to be approved as a direct lender by the California Housing Finance Agency.
Additionally, NHSSV provides foreclosure intervention counseling, at no cost, to victims of sub-prime and predatory lenders.
NHSSV operates a HomeOwnership Center in San Jose. The Center offers homebuyer education classes, credit and budget counseling, thirty-year, fixed-rate first mortgage loans, deferred subordinate financing, and real estate sales services.
NHSSV also contracts with local government to assist it in meeting its housing goals. Among its partners are the City of San Jose Housing Department and Redevelopment Agency, the City of Santa Clara, the City of Los Altos, the City of Union City, and the City of Burlingame.
NHSSV's outreach staff works in the City of San Jose's Strong Neighborhoods Initiative Areas, assisting residents to attain their neighborhood revitalization goals.
Keywords: Non-profit Housing; Affordable Housing; Foreclosure Prevention Counseling; First-time Homebuyer Programs; Mortgage Lender; Deferred Mortgage Loans; Re-Financing; CalHFA Approved Lender; HUD approved Counseling Agency; Neighborhood Revitalization; Resident Leadership Development.