My Moving Guys, Storage Containers & Long Distance Moving Company
5930 E. Slauson Ave, Commerce, CA 90040
milpitas, CA 00000
My Moving Guys, Storage Containers & Long Distance Moving Company
Full Service Storage Convenience
Our professional movers can often pack, move, and store your items in the same time it takes you to get the packing done. With years of experience we can efficiently complete the job in a fraction of the time it takes to do yourself.
One of the greatest conveniences offered by our full service storage is an accurate inventory of your storage items. We maintain a detailed inventory of the items in storage, recording each item that is added to or removed from your account. Each item is labeled with a unique bar code label and scanned into our database.
When your items arrive at our facility, we place them inside the secure, breathable storage vaults. This adds an additional layer of security and protection for your belongings.
Our inventory control and management system allows us to know at any point which vault your belongings are in and where this vault is located within our warehouse.